Crisp. Colorful. Captivating.
Expertly designed, wallet-friendly websites for you and your business.
Precisely tailored, your website sets itself apart, attracting traffic and
ensuring a prominent local presence on the first page of Google.
One-time design and setup fee.
Website design
Stand Out From The Competition Through SELF-PROMOTION!
A Crazy Fact: 81% Of Users Judge Your Credibility Based On Your Website Design!*
Having a website can offer various benefits, both personally and professionally.
Here are 5 reasons why you need a website:

1. ONLINE PRESENCE: A website serves as a virtual storefront or resume, allowing you to showcase your personal or professional brand to a global audience. It's an essential tool for establishing credibility and visibility.

2. BRAND BUILDING: Use your website to communicate your brand's values, mission and unique selling points, consistently deliver your message, and showcase your products or services to create a strong and memorable brand presence.

3. ACCESSIBILITY AND CONVENIENCE: Websites are accessible 24/7, providing a convenient way for people to learn about you or your business at any time. This can be especially important for businesses, as customers can access information, make inquiries, or even purchase products and services at their convenience.

4. MARKETING AND PROMOTION: Your website can be used to publish blog posts, share news, promote events, and engage with your audience through social media integration.

5. CREDIBILITY AND TRUST: A well-designed website can convey that you are a reputable and legitimate entity. It also allows you to provide contact information, customer testimonials, etc. to reassure visitors about your authenticity and reliability.

*Stanford University study
Creativity + Imagination. Majestic Web Marketing Solutions. Originality Simplified.
Whether it's your first venture into the online world or you're looking for a new website, we're here to facilitate the process efficiently and affordably, leveraging our tools and expertise.

Understanding the significance of cost for small business owners, we diligently strive to maintain highly competitive prices.
Our aim is to ensure that you can save more when launching your website.

Explore our portfolio examples to witness the quality of our work. When you're ready to experience a free demo, just reach out to us through our Contact Us page to kickstart the journey.
Contact Us Today
Get Your FREE Mockup!

Receive your COMPLIMENTARY MOCKUP SELF-PROMOTIONAL HOMEPAGE so you can see how you'll stand out to your prospects and clients plus be on page one locally on Google.

Simply download our Web Design Brief, complete and text it to 770.355.7354 or email to:

If you have a logo and pic of yourself, send as an email attachment in jpg or png format. We'll provide your preview link in a day or two.

Download "Website Design Brief.pdf"

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Your Reputation, Our Priority.
A most extraordinary technology, REPUTATION MANAGEMENT is a tool that helps you easily monitor, manage and respond to online reviews while also helping you increase your average star rating across the major review sites. More and more, online reviews influence customer decisions, so business owners have to stay on top of what's being said about them and address all positive and negative reviews with professionalism.

With our integrated Reputation Management feature, we can help you monitor your online reviews, discover what customers are saying about your business and help you maintain a positive online reputation.
Some key features include:
  • Review Monitoring - Easily track all of your online reviews at the source from the top review sites including Google, Yelp and Facebook.
  • Reputation Reports - Give you insight into key metrics such as average star rating, total reviews, reviews by star rating and more.
  • Email Notifications - Help you keep track of when new reviews are added and how they are performing, with a daily report delivered right to your inbox.
  • Respond to Reviews - Easily identify who, when and where reviews are posted so you can reply in a timely manner.
  • Stop Negative Reviews - Prevent negative reviews from going public by allowing upset customers to share their concerns directly and discreetly.
  • Increase Positive Reviews - Help you get more 5-star reviews by requesting positive reviews from happy customers.

In today's highly-competitive landscape, it's more important than ever for you to monitor and manage your business reputation. Negative online customer reviews can not only tarnish your brand, it can have a direct impact on sales.

In fact, according to a
Harvard study, a one-star increase in a business's Yelp rating can lead to a 9% increase in revenue. Meanwhile, a one-star decrease in their overall Yelp rating could lead to a 5% loss in revenue.

However, monitoring reviews from multiple sites (Facebook, Yelp, Google, etc.) can be a difficult and time-consuming process. Even more difficult is generating more positive reviews and preventing negative reviews from going public to begin with.

This is an area where Wheel Spoke Web Design shines, because our powerful Reputation Management system software handles it all for you!

Why do online reviews matter?
Customers rely on online reviews to decide if a business is good or not and will ultimately influence where they shop. The number of reviews and average star rating a business has can impact search engine ranking, website traffic and ultimately sales. Online reviews can also help businesses identify consumer buying behavior as well aspects of their business that need improvement.

  • Our Reputation Management system works constantly to generate and keep your star ratings high, while providing a form to every customer who visits your site, asking them to leave a review of your product or service.

So, what about negative reviews? Short answer, they can't be avoided in today's marketplace. There's simply no magic pill that causes every customer to be kind and generous when leaving comments about your business. Something or someone at sometime or other will bring out the worst in people. It's life! But it's then that your reputation must be protected.
  • Having our Reputation Management system in place causes any bad remarks to be captured and sent to you immediately, so you can head off trouble before it happens. You can address the issue directly and discreetly with your customer, allowing you the opportunity to "make things good".

Can negative reviews be eliminated without getting posted? No system will delete negative comments when they occur, unless they are fraudulent or fake. It's ok for a business to have some bad reviews, but they should be a very small percentage of your total online reviews. If the majority of reviews are positive, negative comments have a much smaller impact on the average star rating and people's perception. Having time to reconcile with your customer can possibly turn things around to a positive response, especially when the customer realizes that you are on their side and willing to do whatever is necessary (within reason, of course) to gain their good graces.
  • Reputation Management is an arrow in your quiver of protection for your business.

"I'd like to know how my business reputation is doing right now."
Great! We will gladly generate a FREE Reputation Management report and email it to you. We guarantee you'll be surprised with the results!
Our Work
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Compare Us To The Competition.
How Much To Get Started?
Wheel Spoke
See Pricing Below
The Competition
$3,000 - $12,000+
($6,760 National Average)
How Much Per Month?
$99/month or $990/year

What About Hosting?

$180/year (approx.)
What About SEO?
$100-$300/hour (approx.)
What About Reputation Management?
$199+ Per Month
SSL Certificate?
For a safe and secure site connection.
$149/year (approx.)
Is It Mobile Responsive?
Most Web Designers Charge Extra
How Much For Ongoing Updates?
DFY Updates Included
$75/hour (approx.)
How Long Until My New Website Goes Live?
Go Live In As Little As 1 Week!
60 Days - 6 Months (approx.)
The Bottom Line
Wallet-Friendly Pricing, Must-Have Features, Reliable Support & Fast & Easy Setup Process.
Thousands Of Dollars Upfront, Hundreds Of Dollars Per Month, Pay For Updates & Months To Build.
Website Design & Setup: $499 one time
Reputation Management Service: included
Monthly Service: $99*/mo

*Pay $990/yr - Save $198
Establish your online presence and build credibility with a professional,
search-optimized website, customized specifically for your business.

Professional Site Design
First 5 pages

(additional pages $50 each)
Professional Stock Photography
Mobile Optimization
Content & Copywriting
Connect Social Media Profiles
Search Engine Optimization

Keyword Optimization
Cross Browser Testing
Connect Your Domain

Worry-Free Cloud Hosting
Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Optimization
Website Security (SSL Certified)

Real-Time Traffic Stats
Site Login Credentials
Done-for-You Updates
Reliable Local Support
Protect your reputation by monitoring your brand,
deflecting negative reviews and increasing positive reviews.

Reputation Assessment
Review Monitoring
Daily Reputation Reports
Automatic Email Notifications
Review Request Form
Deter Negative Reviews
Increase 5-Star Reviews
Promote on Social Media

Protect Your Social Media Presence
Review Response Coach
Oversee Feedback On Google & Yelp
Showcase Reviews On Your Website For Optimal Influence
Track Review Platforms & Google Q&A
Identify Who, When & Where Reviews Come From
Cultivate A Favorable Online Image
Reliable Local Support

Request Your FREE Reputation Management Report Below
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Request Your FREE Reputation Report Here.